A Life 4 Sale...

Have you all heard about this one.....A gentlemanin Perth, Australia is selling his life. What's that you say...WHAT?!???

You heard me right, he is selling ONLINE, his house with all it's contents, a car, a motorbike, a jetski, HIS FRIENDS and HIS JOB....

In a nutshell:

"ALife4Sale.com is exactly what it says. My whole life is for sale.

Everything. Lifestyle. House. Car. Motorbike. Job. Friends. Everything that I own, and all of the things that I don't own, but that are still an important part of my life!

For further details on where I live, the life I lead, all of my possessions, a photo tour of the house and everything in it, as well as more information on friends, job, and much much more....."

It was featured on AOL mainpages today, so the site is getting slammed, but check it out on off hours ; Life 4 Sale


Lemuel said...

ooh-kay. [scratches his head]

Bigg said...

I think that Australian guy could be on to something... but I'd probably end up having to pay somebody to take on my life.

Ur-spo said...

it sounds like one of the early saints, who sells all to find God.
I wonder if he has these intentions?
the notion to dump all my worldly goods sounds very attractive though.