***New and Improved***

Just let me begin by saying that I do not know how much or how often I will be posting to this blog.

I mainly like the name of it, since most of my blogroll know me by this name, and then if I do decide to take up blogging fulltime again, I have it here to do.

I don't know what the hell I did, but I was trying to merge all my stupid blogger/google accounts, and somehow I deleted The Martini Lounge. Oh well....

The guest bedroom is almost finished, just waiting on the desk to be put together/delivered this next Tuesday. Once all is said and done I will post pics, The Girls don't know what to think of it. Every chance they get they are in there sniffing up a storm, lol.

The weather here sucks, one day it is in the mid 60's, then we got a foot of snow the next, and then we had thunderstorms the following day. WTF is up with that...the apocolypse????

Well, time for me to scoot, I am going to fudge around with the layout and colors...just wait till you see me next, heeheehe.



TigerYogiji said...

Glad to see that you're back among us, Hon! :)

Lemuel said...

Thanks for stopping by the 'Strom. I'll be back to check on ya'.

Unknown said...

I wondered what happend.

Sorted Lives said...

Glad to see you got everything hammered out.