Ok so I told you all that 1-800-find-a-friend policy was in affect. I could not stand the thought of going to the Deal or No Deal audition alone, so I too Name Dropper's daughter with me.
I picked her up promptly at 10 am, and headed over to Decatur.
When we drove into the mall parking lot, we could see the line stretching around the corner. I figured we should park towards the end of the line, so I dropped he off at the end, and went to park the car.
I didn't thik about the weather, and I seriously thought we would be inside the mall waiting in line. I was SERIOUSLY WRONG! I thought it wouldn't be so bad, stuck inside a mall most of the day, take breaks and shop, grab something to eat, read a book.....HAHAHAHA, the fickle-finger-of-fate had other plans for us. It was freezing outside. Thankfully I had a pair of gloves and a headband thingy in my car from when I went skiing last year. We were in line at 11 am, and the line moved pretty good, but we were still outside in the wind till 1 pm. It was horrible.

At least we got to know the ladies in front of us and the lady behind us pretty well. The group in front of us were total Orange County Housewives, all gussied up and make-up laden. One of them even had this fierce pair of gloves.

No sooner that we would sit in our bag chairs that I brought, the line would creep up just a tad, so the chairs became a pain in the ass.
People get getting in line amazed at how long it was, and the whole group of us would laugh. "Just keep on truckin'" was the theme of the day. People came out in all kinda of costumes as well. Some serious freaks. I'm just a sayin'.

This was the only cute guy in my vacinity that I could see, and he wasn't all that, but had that "bad boy" vibe a happenin', with his tatts and all.

Check out the freaky Belly Dancer....woooohoooo!

I guess she was all kinds of pissed off and upset she didn't make it thru the first rounds of interviews....
Finally we reached inside, but it was like herding cattle all thru the mall. It took us from 1 - 330 to get to the place where the actual auditions were held. It was a mad house and boring as hell.
Normally, malls have food courts right? Well this one had one, but it only had a Subway and a Panda Express. No kidding that's all folks. So let me see, some old lunchmeat sammie or a sodium filled fat feast. I opted for a diet coke, lol.
Fast forward the 2 hours, and they had you go in lines of 10 people to see the casting crew at tables. People were whooping and hollering and I was getting quite over the whole mess, people were on my last nerve and I had to pee.
I was in the front of our line and I actually knew one of the wranglers at the front of the area. We chatted ti up and she kept telling me to act stupid and be excited and smile.
So our time came up and we ran off to the table. The casting guy, said he would go around the table and we all had 20 seconds to impress and sell ourselves. I was at the end of the table that he pointed to as the start point. YEA FOR ME!
I said what the hell, and spat out my little story, punctuating the useless trivia in my head and love of disco, and being the re-incarnated original Dancin' Queen. All the while looking him straight in the eye, smiling and winking at the end. I guess it must have worked, cause he asked me to stay at the table with two others, and the rest could exit stage right.
Another casting guy came up, and said 5 seconds, go...This guy was cuter and definitely a family member, so I really turned on the flirt and charm. This time the wink was back in my direction from him, and he said that I need to go to the last interview. One of the girls that was in the group in front of me also got to go thru. We both ran off to the last staging area, jumping up and down, thinking we were the shit!

We turn the corner, and this is what we see.

Altho, I didn't notice the yummy cutie-patootie in the maroonish-brown shirt and jeans, front and center, thank you very much!
So we wait in this area for another hour, and by then my energy level was sinking again, and I still had to pee! So anyway the last interview, was like the first, 20 seconds - GO! I was like you have got to be freaking kidding me. So I did my same spill and this time it was a lady, and I don't think my charm worked on her like the guys before. Damn breeders! She took our applications and said hopefully we will hear something from them soon. Exit stage left please.
So I finally left and had to listen to Name-Dropper Jr all the way home, I wanted to jab something in my ears to escape the pain of her voice. She didn't make it past the first stage and I felt kinda sorry for her, since she had to wait out in the middle of the mall alone. She of course had 20 questions and was calling her Mom, filling her in as well.
So I think this weekend I am going to work on a 5 minute tape and another application and send it off to Hollywood, just so they can put a cafe with the name, and who know, maybe there will be another family member there that will see the tape and think I am perfect for the show.....you never know.....