Hey Gooster, since you are the only follower these days, lol....
Seriously, I hope all is well out there in the real world, same ole chit happenin' here.
PookieBear and I are working on another bedroom now, we went to the HomoDepot last weekend and found some granite tile on sale. Got a GREAT price, only like $2 bucks a tile, it usually goes for around $7 bucks or more. We are having the spare office and the master bedroom and bath done with this tile.
The people FINALLY came and put the desk together, I kno call me lazy, but it was worth the $80 bucks to have someone put it together. It would have taken me FOREVER to do it myself, plus a ton of aggrevation.
The parents came last weekend and Mom has gotten a new puppy.
She got a Yorkie, and named it Libby....ewwwww....sorry Libby's of the world, I just don't think that it's a good name, but hell, mine are Buffy and Willow...who am I to judge. She is adorable tho, and loved to play with Buffy, but didn't like Willow at all, it was hilarious to see them all together, heeeheehee.

It is snowing here AGAIN....man am I ready for Spring. This is the view out my office window -
usually you can see the Old State Capitol clearly, but not today with all the snow = ( also why are the flags at 1/2 staff??? Maybe due to the NIU shootings? No clue here....I can't believe they haven't cleaned the walkways....broke ass state gov't at work for ya!!!

I can't wait to get home and do NOTHING this weekend.
Oh yea, gotta put the home-office back together and move some other furniture, seal the grout and tile, take the girls to the groomer, probably shovel a freakin driveway, weekend errands.....pfffft I need a drink.

Thankfully we picked up a BIG OLE BOTTLE of Captain Morgan and the mixers for some homemade Sangria last weekend!!!!
Oh well, hope ya'll have a great weekend, and hopefully I will have pics after we get some things accomplished this weekend.